1 Corinthians 7:9 "But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion" What does this passage mean in the bible? There is a saying that i made up a long time ago so if you quote it then you better give me credit! lol Ok goes like this "Women are God's greatest creation and the devil's greatest temptation" The bible teaches us that there isn't anything new under the sun that hasn't been done before. Everything that we are going through today including relationships, people have went through in the past. Since for ever there have been marriage,betrayal,adultery, fornication, brother against brother etc... Men back in b.c and a.d have struggled with the temptation of a woman same as the modern man does now. Vice versa. Great men of our yester years had dozens of wives and hundreds of concubine's. We thought we knew how to live it up!! My point is we have been struggling with lustful desires since we were created. The KEY WORD is self control!! Some of us have it some of us don't. Some of us have more then others do. If your one of those people that have a high sex drive and very little control then that passage in the bible was for you as well as it was for me!!!

SO.....God and relationships!!!!
Here is the thing. The world we live in is a wicked place. Filled with principalities of evil and wicked men! The world is lucifer's! It says so in the bible. So generally speaking if you fit right in with the world you fit right in with the devil. Having a relationship with someone who fits perfectly into the world can lead to problems. The bible says you can not be un equally yoked. Meaning you can't be this saved God fearing man or woman and your spouse is a heathen!! There will be conflict and it will be hard for God to bless that union. Now you can pray that your spouse gets turned around and follow God and sometimes they do! However going into a new relationship knowing someone isn't into God like you are or someone who doesn't even believe is not wise!
The thing about keeping God first in our lives and relationships, is we have some kind of accountability. We have moral standards. Rules so to speak to go by. A guide in how to live your life and conduct yourself in the world. Following this guide and believing in what it contains, makes us Christians. What does it contain? well hopefully some of you already know and have read the bible. If not, no chance like the present to read the word. In a nut shell, live a good life. Be good be kind be loyal. Live right, always try to do the right thing, love thy neighbor! Wow what horrible things right....lol It's basically telling you to be a good person! So if you find someone who reads the GUIDE and TRIES very hard to follow it then that means they are practicing being a good person! They are prone to have more morals and values and someone to hold them accountable for their actions. They are someone who knows and understands consequence.
Let's take worldly people. How do they measure up in relationships? Now when i say worldly people i mean people who are saturated in the world. Not just non believers but believers who know God but are just not living by his word. Who are not reading the GUIDE. These people, and yes for a long time I WAS one of thees people, have no accountability. What guide do they have to live by? None I mean sure they know right and wrong as it pertains to the laws on this world. But they do not know morally, or choose not to apply what they do know to be the right moral thing to do as it pertains to God. They are less likely to care if they cheat and sleep around, or if they lie to you and play you with multiple partners. They have no conviction for their sins! Marriage is not sacred or holy to them. If they do marry, their marriage is not blessed because the foundation is not God. Spouses are more likely to cheat, or not take in the seriousness of marriage.
So i ask YOU.... if your in that place where your ready to settle down. Ready for a serious committed relationship leading to marriage in the future, which partner would you feel more comfortable putting your heart on the line for? The God fearing partner who tries their best to live by the Guide and follow the rules which encouraged kindness loyalty and love, or the partner who doesn't hold themselves to those rules and has no convictions for their wrong doings? I'll take partner A for a thousand please!!! I'm just saying if your trying to settle with a real good guy or girl your chances of finding one are better if they have God in there live and are actively trying to live by his word as opposed to anything else!
This being said however.....just because a person says they are saved or go to church doesn't mean they are, or that they are living right and will treat you properly. I know a guy who studies the bible and preys on women using the friendship good christian brother approach. You know the type that acts like he just wants to be your friend. He poses as a God fearing good christian man. Quotes scriptures out the bible and gives good advice.... Sound familiar. They get you to let your guards down get close then try to catch you at a vulnerable state and try to get in your pants! Ive seen this in women also!! Or the men and women who are at the club getting drunk and having sex with a new buddy after the club, then barely rolling out of bed sunday morning to get ready for their solo performance in the church choir! Or people like me, I was one of the ones that used to preach to a girl about getting closer to God and truly be sincere about it, yet at the end of the conversation I'm trying to pull her panties down! Yea i know right...The bible says... Matthew 7:15“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16“You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? 17“So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit".... So if they say they are christians that's fine but listen to their actions, watch the fruit that they bear. If they are good christians they will show it by their actions and the way they live their everyday life. So I'm speaking on taking chances with a partner who is a christian and bears good fruit!! This betters your odds of having a wonderful loving, and understanding relationship with your spouse!
As always, happy hunting