We are all individuals! As individuals we have our own mind, our own opinion, and different likes, and dislikes. That being said, I've concocted a list of things i think are turn on's as well as turn off's as far as women are concerned. Now us being individuals I'm sure some will agree and some won't. That's perfectly fine. Just read and take what you will from it!
Yay's and Nay's
A woman that keeps her hair, toes, and nails done! (pretty hands and feet are a BIG turn on for alot of men)
A woman with a nice shape (women, if your not the best looking girl, a nice shape goes a looong way! Anyone can get into shape unless you have severe health issues that prohibit that. Laziness is not a severe health issue!)
A woman that can dress sexy but classy at the same time (yes definitely show off that sexy body but leave something to the imagination. Its been studied men are actually attracted more to this then leaving nothing to the imagination!)
A woman that talks like a lady (don't want a woman that sounds like I'm talking to one of the homies from the block)
A feminine woman (If you are a lady then move like one! Don't want your pimp harder then mine when you walk!)
A confident yet humble personality (there is nothing sexier then a gorgeous woman who is so down to earth) biggest turn on!!!
A woman with positive energy (ever been with someone who was always depressed and always brought your mood down? sucks!)
A God fearing woman (simple, im a Christian, the bible says you can not be unequally yoked) how is that going to look being with a non believer..our marriage won't be blessed!
A independent woman
A woman with morals and values
A supportive woman
A woman that understands her role in a relationship
A woman that's a good mother to her children (women please don't put your man before your kids, i've seen this to many times!)
A woman that knows how to respect (men are big on respect...this is key Know how to respect your man)
A woman with a gutter mouth
A woman that acts like a man (there are two roles in a relationship babe..play your part)
A woman that mass fornicates (not judging been there, but if this is your current status. walk on by!)
A woman that lies (if you lie to me how can i trust you? If there is no trust then what do we really have?)
A woman that cheats (duh right?)
A woman that doesn't respect
A woman that dresses skanky (don't get me wrong i love a woman that shows off her body but there is a difference between sexy and skanky and it says alot about who you are to us men! We approach you and treat you accordingly!)
A non believer in Christ
A woman that is extremely jealous (a little is ok)
A woman with insecurity issues (get that worked out first! I will always tell you how beautiful you are but don't want to continuously reassure you that you deserve to be with me! It will make me question if you really do deserve too!)
A woman that is an emotional wreck (Sorry i don't have the time to babysit your emotions!)
An abusive woman
A controlling woman (where you at, where you going, who you with, you women don't like it so what makes you think we do?)
A woman that calls a man out of his name/ someone who can't control their emotions in the heat of an arguement! (Big turn off. I don't do the verbal abuse thing. If i can control what comes out my mouth when im mad then so can you! WE BOTH GROWN!)
A CONCEITED WOMAN!!! (BIGGEST TURN OFF) (not to be confused with confidence)
A selfish woman (If its all about you, then you minus well date yourself!)
A woman with bad hygiene (Need i explain)
These are just a few things that are turn on's and off's to me. If this helps anybody out GREAT. If not then i hope it made for entertaining reading! I think most men will agree with alot of what was posted. Well...happy hunting for now! Until next time!
The love guru
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