Sunday, June 12, 2011

The emotional

Women are emotional creatures. I don't think anyone would dare disagree with that! This being so, to be successful in the hunt you have to play on there emotions.Women love to be made to feel good about themselves from a man so complimenting is very important! see the apple of your eye across the room, you got them pheromones pumping and your swag is fly because of your proper hygiene and sharp attire. Your ready to make your move. What do you do? What do you say? At this point no time to take risk, have an opening line prepared. Now I'm not saying those cheezy come ons! That's sure to get you rejected fast! The best lines are the ones that don't sound like one! The ones that flow and seem natural.For instance " excuse me, i don't mean to interrupt you but i noticed you, and wanted to introduce myself. My name is x what's yours? Simple, doesn't sound like a cheezy come on. Honest direct to the point. Your asking her a question that demands response, interaction. Don't go for the kill (asking for the number) right away. Conversation is great! Words move a woman just as deep if not deeper as physical appearance. Keep the convo going. MAKE HER LAUGH! My momz used to say " you can laugh a girls panties right off her" lol. I'm not suggesting you do this for this purpose however! If you can keep that woman laughing, the battle is half won! So she's laughing she's talking back to you. She doesn't have that "please just go away look on her face" Its time to do one of two things. If sparks are really flying and you can def tell she's into you, DON'T LEAVE! Buy her a drink, buy yourself another and spend the rest of the night with her until she's ready for you to go! Dates that go that way make couples and babies really fast! The key is to be confident, like you do this all the time. Kool, show your interested but not desperate. Never make it seem like she's out of your league. Now its time to get the digits! Don't ask for the number demand it. Put it in the way were she feels she has no choice. Something like this " Look i could talk to you for hours but i don't want to keep you (pull out your phone) what's your number so i can text you some time. Your easy to talk too!" It's harder to say no if you do it this way, but that doesn't mean they won't! If they say give me yours don't go out without a fight. Something like " come on now we need to do this the right way. How about we both exchange numbers, that way the option is in both of our hands to communicate! I believe in taking control of my destiny!" Watch em melt! If they don't...ahh for get it, on to the next one. You tried! That's one thing you have to remember. Never take it personal. Its a numbers game. The more women you talk too, the better chances of getting yes's! Your shy and barely approach a woman, then when you do, she turns you down and you wait even longer for the next one. You'll never get anyone like that. Move on the next one that catches your eye like that. Not just any and everything! I assure you if you follow all these steps your sure to line up an impressive roster. I promote marriage and monogamy. I also feel that you have to date multiple people at the same time to get to know what you like and don't like. Who do you have more chemistry with. Who are you more compatible with? Follow these three key points and you are well on your way to finding your spouse! As always, happy hunting!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Love guru,
    Nice blog. Yes women like to feel good about themselves. You hit it on the spot about laughter.Women may be emotional but we love consistency. Men don't slack off once you get her, women crave the feeling that their man is into them just as much as they are into them. Now that is some baby making facts.A simple "Hello, how are you doing?", would suffice to begin a conversation. You mentioned "Words move a woman just as deep if not deeper as physical appearance."True but you left out how actions speak louder than words. Let's say you exchanged numbers but take days to return her call, not good man. Thanks for your thoughts and keep it coming!
