Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chemistry is just that......Chemistry!!!

You ever meet a guy/girl for the first time and you get butterflies in your stomach. Your heart starts to beat faster. Your breath gets heavy? That's chemistry. Yes it has alot to do with what the eye sees, but its also chemical.
Pheromones are a naturally occurring chemical compound found in all insects, animals, and humans. When pheromones are secreted they dictate sexual behavior and attract the opposite sex. Pheromone is Greek from the word Pheran-to transfer and Horman- to excite. Pheromones are found throughout the living world and are the most ancient form of animal communication.

Pheromones are natural scents, which play an important role in sexual communication. Animals and humans release masses of biological chemicals in tears, saliva and perspiration. These aromas convey signals relating to mood, status, drive and health to the subconscious awareness of the female. The dominant male will exude more of these biological attractants than his submissive counterpart, consequently he inevitably attracts more females and enjoys more conquests.
So you see alot is involved when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. Now if you see what appears to be the love of your life and the pheromones aren't kicking in on her end but yours are in full swing..there are a few things that have nothing to do with chemistry that you can do to help assist you in attracting your mate! This is broken down into three groups...the physical, the emotional, and  the subconscious, which i will elaborate on in a later post. Good hunting for now!

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