So the other day i had an interesting conversation with a young lady mid 20's who i didn't really know. I'm seated in an establishment and she's at the table next to me. She comes out the blue and says...."Excuse me, can i ask you a question?" Of course I'm like sure. She says " I need a mans point of view" I told her I'm always good for some relationship advice! She goes on literally for the next hour and a half ranting on about her no good boy friend. (Her words not mine)
In a nutshell she tells me that her man barely is keeping a job. He's not trying to better himself. He sits at home most of the day smoking pot, playing video games and watching porn. If those aren't RED FLAGS then i don't know what is.
She goes on to tell me that she constantly catches her boyfriend beating off to porn movies. Even after they just had sex. Now she has a low self esteem. (Her words not mine) Looking at the women she is slightly heavy set but with a big chest and she's got sum booty on her too! She's not screaming super model but i seen alot worse. She tells me her boyfriend is attractive but short and 140 pounds soaking wet. So he's not this stud but an average joe.
The woman told me that most of the time when they have sex is when he's watching porn or just watched porn and is turned on by the images in his head. She said she feels less then a woman. That she is not attractive enough to turn her man on without him watching porn.
Also when ever they do have sex he's finished before it gets started. That being said, he gets mad if he finds a dildo or if he catches her self pleasing herself. WHAT A DOUBLE STANDARD RIGHT? He even told her that her breast where saggy and that she needed a breast lift. Obviously comparing hers to the brand new rack the girl payed thousands for in the porno he watches all the time.
To add insult to injury, she saw messages he wrote on fb to other women talking about how bored he is with her. How he plays video games 24/7 because she is so boring. How he wishes he was still single.
They have an apartment together and he can not afford to live on his own. He used to live with his grandma til she moved into a smaller place now he is pretty much stuck. She is too because they are both on the lease. He has a part time job and can barely afford to pay his half of the bills. She on the other hand works two jobs and goes to school to further her career and support his weed habbit.
I asked her why she stays with him, she replied "sometimes he can be really sweet" I asked her how often is that. She said every now and then.
So let me get this straight i told her... You have a boyfriend with average looks, frail, a small (package),minute man,never made you climax,is addicted to porn,plays off your self esteem,lazy,sits around the house all day and smokes pot while you bust your butt to support him, talks about you like a dog to other girls and his friends,thinks your body is inadequate, and wants you to go under the knife so your breast can look like the porn star's who he wacks off too at least 3 or 4 times a day all because he can be sweet (SOMETIMES)
I told her that i am sorry for her situation but not her. I mean it doesn't take a relationship expert to figure out that you need to drop that loser!!! The bigger question is what is going on with you that would allow yourself to stay and take that abuse from a man. There is something deeper within yourself that allows this to go on. This is the TRUE source of your problems. Not him. When you identify this problem and deal with the true issue. You will never find yourself in this same situation again!
Come on now sweetie, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Know when to walk away with dignity. A situation like this, you already knew the answer to the problem before you asked me. And I'm willing to bet money that I'm not the first but many people have told you the same thing. Now dump this loser and do some deep soul searching and heal and love yourself as God loves you! When you know your worth, it shows and men like that will get the picture real quick, and won't get the time of day from you!
Happy hunting, be blessed!
The Love guru